10 ways to survive final's week

Hey guys, welcome back!
Finals week is in 2 weeks, which means it's time to get your sh!t together and study, study, study.
Because we all know how difficult finals week is, I decided that I should put together the 10 top ways to deal and survive final's week. 

1. Plan ahead 
The sad thing about final's week is the fact that literally, everything is due within that one week. All of your last assignments, projects, exams, and presentations are due in that week. So if you don't plan and work ahead, you're literally going to kill yourself and I don't mean to over exaggerate, but that's just the harsh truth. You need to prioritize and plan your schedule, so your not killing yourself trying to submit everything at once.

2. Find a study place 
If you want to study efficiently and be focused on your work then you need to find a place that helps you achieve that. I know for me personally, if I'm studying in my room, it'll take me forever to get things done because I can always find something else to do in my room. So, my suggestion is to go to the library, where you can eliminate all distractions and focus because now is not the time to procrastinate. 


3. Eat 
I know it's hard to remember to eat when you have 10,000 different exams to study for, but in order for you to successfully pass those exams is if you take care of yourself. Going into an exam when you're all hungry, will only make you think about one thing - food. When you take an exam that is the last thing that you would want to think about. 

Patrick, the star fish eating

4. Sleep
If you want to retain the tremendous amount of information that you're studying then you need to sleep. It's scientifically proven that we retain and remember information much better when we get the sleep that we need. 
Tiana sleeping

5. Take short study breaks 
I know it's hard to stop studying once you start and really get into the groove of things, but you need to take short breaks. Your grades are important but so is your well being. Try to take a 10-minute break every hour and a half. 
Sponge Bob's break

6. Reward yourself
Reward yourself every time you finish mastering your exam study guide. Studying for exams isn't an easy thing to do, it can be mentally exhausting. So, by rewarding yourself, you're not only helping yourself feel better but by setting a reward system, it helps you have something to look forward to when you study.

Parks and rec treat yo self

7. Submit final assignments/projects on time
It's the end of the semester and you should want to end it on a good note. So, submit your final projects and assignments on time because you won't be offered any extensions. And it'll be too late to try and get help from your professors because they also have a deadline to submit your grade.  


8. Form a study group
Forming a study group can be beneficial for some people. Some people prosper by studying by themselves and others don't. Just make sure that when you form a study group, you form it with someone that won't get you distracted.
Study group

9. Get help from professors
Before it's too late, go ask for help from the people that know the most about your subject. More often than not, you're professors want and are willing to help answer any questions that you may have. Just make sure you go before it's too late for them to help you. 

New Girl

10. Know your exam schedule
I know this one seems like common sense but I've seen and heard about so many students that weren't able to take their exams because they got the date, time, and location wrong. Most of the time, your exam times will be different than your regular class time, so save yourself the trouble and just check the date, time, and location of your exam. 




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