10 ways for a college student to relax

Hey guys, welcome back!
Finals are almost upon us (cries), cue the long nights of crying and study sessions, the thousands of presentations, deadlines, and exams. Before you're drowning in just about everything college-wise, I wanted to share with you a few ways that you can relax and unwind before sh!t hits the fan.

1. Take a much needed nap
Personally, for me, napping has a powerful way of making me relax. And to be honest, when you nap, all those assignments and stress magically disappear, even if it's just for a few hours. So make sure to nap where ever you can, honestly, it doesn't matter where you nap as long as you do it. 
Girl napping on beach

2. Reading for pleasure 
I know reading is often associated with assignments and school in general, but trust me, if you pick up a book that interests you, it won't feel like another assignment. Besides reading has a way of taking your mind off of things, they temporarily help you forget about all your stress.
Belle in the library

3. Exercise 
I know for some of us, exercise is absolute torture. But when you're exercising, it helps with your frustration and it helps keep your mind off of stress. 
corgi exercising

4. Meditate 
So, I've never tried meditation but I've heard of the countless of benefits that it has. I think it's something that we should all try. Every once in a while, it's always good to get away from all of your thoughts.

5. Talk a walk 
Go outside, get some fresh air, and take a walk. Not only is it healthy for you, but it gives you another reason to get out of your cramped dorm room. 
schitt's creek

6. Watch your favorite movie/show
Go watch your favorite show or movie, it'll help you relax and bring back good memories.

7. Listen to music
Listening to music has a relaxing effect to it. So go put together a playlist of all your favorite songs and play it on repeat. Not only is it relaxing but it's also a good method to block out all the noise and people. Once people see those headphones on, they won't bother you.
listening to music

8. Cook or bake 
Cooking or baking is such a satisfying and relaxing thing to do. The act itself leaves you with delicious food and not to mention the smell of the food itself is relaxing. 

9. Hang out with your friends or family
Go visit your family or friends that you haven't seen in a while. Go have conversations that don't relate to school, talk about normal things that won't stress you out. Seeing people that you love, will help put things into perspective for you.

10. Just Breathe
Often times, we're so consumed with everything, so it's good to always step back and to just take a deep breath. 


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